Ordered on Monday, received on Tuesday. Highly recommend this business.

CAT 303.5 C CR

The CAT 303.5 C CR is one of the more powerful compact excavators in the Caterpillar 303 family of mini-excavators with 39.4 hp. It has a maximum digging depth of 11.4 ft and can reach up to 18.1 ft along the ground. And that 39.4 hp means that the CAT 303.5C CR can handle some pretty intense tasks, including those you’d find in an agricultural or ranch setting.

With an attachment like a drill or auger, these mini-excavators can dig deep into soil and even concrete to install fenceposts to keep animals in (and other animals out, as the case may be). A rake or mower attachment on a CAT 303.5 CR can definitely help with land clearing or just getting pesky weeds under control. And these Caterpillar compact excavators can be used to demolish sheds or small barns, and then load up the debris for removal.

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Shane, got me what I needed extremely fast and accurate. Will use again. Great product, great service.

Great company. Smart people answer the phone and want to help. They have a loyal customer in me after first purchase.

Ordered on Monday, received on Tuesday. Highly recommend this business.

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